How do you feel about being selected to be Employee of the Month?
I feel honored to be selected employee of the month. The beauty of this job is you never know when all the stars are going to align. This happens when one does their job and then just like magic – sales and more sales and then even more sales appear. This is what happened to me the last month. Extremely energizing and gratifying.
What managers and co-workers have helped you become a stronger BC?
Burt Bucar has helped me become a stronger BC by consistently being supportive and having positive energy that is contagious. John Demko has helped me become a stronger BC by always being there with unconditional support and loyalty. Liza Vitello has helped me become a better BC by always dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s.
What is your secret to success with your rep match-up?
Communicating constantly throughout the day. Trusting and respecting each other. Each of us working hard for the team. It’s all about us together, not about us as individuals.
What goals have you already accomplished for this year?
Having record weeks of sales, getting multiple GOs frequently. Continuously communicating successfully with my reps Chris Given and Sean Durham.
What made you decide to start here at ISI?
I was setting appointments at a web-site development firm successfully. I decided I wanted to make a career for myself doing this. ISI is the home I found and have been here for the past 15 years. I am proud to call ISI my home.
What is your favorite closing line?
Thank you, Chris/Sean is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 8:00.
What did you do in your previous career?
M.F.A. in graphic design. I designed packaging for Kenner Toys including Play-Doh and Strawberry Shortcake. I designed packaging for Kraft Cheese.
What would we be surprised to know about your personally?
I played high school and college tennis. I would rather cut a big fluffy piece of chocolate cake than anything else. I have 3 daughters: 1 doctor, 1 lawyer, and 1 about to become a CPA and this career has paid for all of their schooling, 22 years of college.