How do you feel about being selected to be Employee of the Month? Really surprised and honored, so excited! Nice to know that when you think that no one is noticing your hard work, THEY ARE!
What managers and co-workers have helped you become a stronger employee? I don’t think anyone can attain success without help, advice, and support. I think we are lucky at SMS to work with a lot of good people.
The person who helped me the most is Kyle. He has taken a lot of time, energy, patience, and understanding to help me in any way he could. I will honestly say I wouldn’t have made it here, if it wasn’t for Kyle.
A few others who took the time to help, teach, answer endless questions, offer support on bad days, cheer with me on good days and whatever it takes to bring out my best are Shawn, Blake, Burt, Liza, Patrick and, of course, my TO Sue who helps me so much and pushes me every day to get one more.
What is your secret to success with your rep match-up?Communication! Talk to your Rep, get to know each other and set weekly/monthly goals.
What goals have you already accomplished for this year? Hitting Top 25!
What did you do in your previous career?Always phone solicitation—appointment setting, bill collecting, etc. I was a stay-at-home mom, however, for 15 years before working here. This was my step back into the working world.
What would we be surprised to know about you as a person? I don’t watch TV and I play ‘Clash of Clans.’