How do you feel about being selected to be Employee of the Month? It feels great to be EOTM, it’s actually sort of beyond words.
What managers and co-workers have helped you become a stronger employee? Dhaval, Sean, Rich and all my other coworkers helped me become a stronger BC and a better person/worker.
What is your secret to success with your rep match-up? I have worked with different reps since working here. All the reps are wonderful people. All reps have their own unique qualities. I simply adapt to their qualities and figure out how to work with them.
What goals have you already accomplished for this year? I am #24 with the BC department in the company and I’m already employee of the month.
What made you decide to start here? I found ISI online accidentally and decided to give it a try. I have really learned to love ISI and I’m glad that I found the company and its amazing staff.
What did you do in your previous career? I was a graduate research assistant at Western Illinois University.
What would we be surprised to know about you as a person? I’m a very funny person. I try to open up at work every now and then, but I find myself stuck in business mode. The friendlier people are to me, the better I perform at work. Likewise, the funnier I become. I am also very friendly.